Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Rahasia RSA

Rahasia keamanan data dengan menggunakan cryptography ini ialah seorang cryptanalis harus mengambil salah satu kunci dan juga pesan untuk dapat membaca isi pesan tersebut.

“Private key is one of the two keys used in an asymmetric enkripsiion system. For secure communication, the private key should only be known to its creator.” (3,655)

“Public key is the one of the two keys used in an asymmetric enkripsiion system. The public key is made public, to be used in conjunction with a corresponding private key.” (3,655)

“Cryptanalysis is the branch of cryptology dealing with the breaking of a cipher to recover information, or forging encrypted information that will be accepted as authentic.” (3,652)

“Intruder is an individual who gains, or attempsts to gain, unauthorized access to a computer system or to gain unauthorized priveledges on that system.” (3,654)

“A disadvantage of using public-key cryptography for encryption is speed: there are popular secret-key encryption methods which are significantly faster than any currently available public-key encryption method.” (6,1.4)


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