Monday, November 14, 2011

Kumpulan Kode Rahasia HP 1

Berikut ini adalah kunci kode tombol rahasia yang dapat anda jalankan sendiri dengan mengetiknya di keypad hp ponsel anda yang bermerek Nokia baik yang cdma maupun yang gsm ;

1. Melihat IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)
Caranya tekan * # 0 6 #

2. Melihat versi software, tanggal pembuatan softwre dan jenis kompresi software
Caranya tekan * # 0 0 0 0 #
Jika tidak berhasil coba pencet * # 9 9 9 9 #

3. Melihat status call waiting
Caranya tekan * # 4 3 #

4. Melihat nomor / nomer private number yang menghubungi ponsel anda
Caranya tekan * # 3 0 #

5. Menampilkan nomer pengalihan telepon all calls
Caranya tekan * # 2 1 #

6. Melihat nomor penelepon pada pengalihan telepon karena tidak anda jawab (call divert on)
Caranya tekan * # 6 1 #

7. Melihat nomor penelepon pada pengalihan telepon karena di luar jangkauan (call divert on)
Caranya tekan * # 6 2 #

8. Melihat nomor penelepon pada pengalihan telepon karena sibuk (call divert on)
Caranya tekan * # 6 7 #

9. Merubah logo operator pada nokia type 3310 dan 3330
Caranya tekan * # 6 7 7 0 5 6 4 6 #

10. Menampilkan status sim clock
Caranya tekan * # 7 4 6 0 2 5 6 2 5 #

11. Berpindah ke profil profile ponsel anda
Caranya tekan tombol power off tanpa ditahan

12. Merubah seting hp nokia ke default atau pabrikan
Caranya tekan * # 7 7 8 0 #

13. Melakukan reset timer ponsel dan skor game ponsel nokia
Caranya tekan * # 7 3 #

14. Melihat status call waiting
Caranya tekan * # 4 3 #

15. Melihat kode pabrik atau factory code
Caranya tekan * # 7 7 6 0 #

16. Menampilkan serial number atau nomer seri hp, tanggal pembuatan, tanggal pembelian, tanggal servis terakhir, transfer user data. Untuk keluar ponsel harus direset kembali.
Caranya tekan * # 92702689 #

17. Melihat kode pengamanan ponsel anda
Caranya tekan * # 2 6 4 0 #

18. Melihat alamat ip perangkat keras bluetooth anda
Caranya tekan * # 2 8 2 0 #

19. Mengaktifkan EFR dengan kualitas suara terbaik namun boros energi batere. Untuk mematikan menggunakan kode yang sama.
Caranya tekan * # 3 3 7 0 #

20. Mengaktifkan EFR dengan kualitas suara terendah namun hemat energi batere. Untuk mematikan menggunakan kode yang sama.
Caranya tekan * # 4 7 2 0 #

21. Menuju isi phone book dengan cepat di handphone nokia
Caranya tekan nomer urut lalu # contoh : 150#

22. Mengalihkan panggilan ke nomor yang dituju untuk semua panggilan
Caranya tekan * * 2 1 * Nomor Tujuan #

23. Mengalihkan panggilan ke nomor yang dituju untuk panggilan yang tidak terjawab
Caranya tekan * * 6 1 * Nomor Tujuan #

24. Mengalihkan panggilan ke nomor yang dituju untuk panggilan ketika telepon hp anda sedang sibuk
Caranya tekan * * 6 7 * Nomor Tujuan #

Keterangan Tambahan :
- Kode diinput tanpa spasi
- Ada kode-kode nokia yang berlaku pada tipe tertentu saja

Code:huawei c2601
##497613,2-System Test,5-Test Call, nam
##412365 sama sprti atas
##745698 version
##147852 test mode
##159357 R-UIM \ ROM-UIM
##258741 restore
##236985 == monitoring debug
*#06# - ESN
*+End - force download

1 Imagine ur cell battery is very low, u r expecting an

important call and u don’t have a charger.

Nokia instrument comes with a reserve battery. To activate,

key is “*3370#”

Ur cell will restart with this reserve and ur instrument will show a 50% increase in battery.

This reserve will get charged when u charge ur cell next time.

*3370# Activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR)-Your phone

uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced by approx. 5%

#3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec( EFR)

*#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a

Lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time

*#4720# Deactivate Half Rate Codec

2 *#0000# Displays your phones software version,

1st Line : Software Version,

2nd Line : Software Release Date,

3rd Line : Compression Type

3 *#9999# Phones software v ersion if *#0000# does not work

4 *#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity

(IMEI Number)

5 #pw+1234567890+1# Provider Lock Status. (use the “*”

Button to obtain the “p,w” and “+” symbols)

6 #pw+1234567890+2# Network Lock Status. (use the “*” button to

obtain the “p,w” and “+” symbols)

7 #pw+1234567890+3# Country Lock Status. (use the “*” button

to obtain the “p,w” and “+” symbols)

8 #pw+1234567890+4# SIM Card Lock Status.(use the “*” button

to obtain the “p,w” and “+” symbols)

9 *#147# (vodafone) this lets you know who called you last

*#1471# Last call (Only vodofone)

10 *#21# Allows you to check the number that “All Calls” are diverted To

11 *#2640# Displays security code in use

12 *#30# Lets you see the private number

13 *#43# Allows you to check the “Call Waiting” status of your


14 *#61# Allows you to check the number that “On No Reply”

calls are diverted to

15 *#62# Allows you to check the number that “Divert If Unreachable(no service)” calls are diverted to

16 *#67# Allows you to check the number that “On Busy Calls”

are diverted to

17 *#67705646#R emoves operator logo on 3310 & 3330

18 *#73# Reset phone timers and game scores

19 *#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone

supports this power saving feature “SIM Clock Stop Allowed”, it

means you will get the best standby time possible

20 *#7760# Manufactures code

21 *#7780# Restorefa ctory settings

22 *#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110

23 *#92702689# (to rember *#WAR0ANTY#)

Displays -

1.Serial Number,

2.Date Made

3.Purchase Date,

4.Date of last repair (0000 for no repairs),

5.Transfer User Data.

To exit this mode -you need to switch your phone off then on again

24 *#94870345123456789# Deactivate the PWM-Mem

25 **21*number# Turn on “All Calls” diverting to the phone

number entered

26 **61*number# Turn on “No Reply” diverting to the phone

number entered

27 **67*number# Turn on “On Busy” diverting to the phone number entered

28 12345 This is the default security code press and hold #
*#9998*228# : Battery status (capacity, voltage, temperature)
*#9998*246# : Program status
*#9998*289# : Change Alarm Buzzer Frequency
*#9998*324# : Debug screens
*#9998*364# : Watchdog
*#9998*377# : EEPROM Error Stack - Use side keys to select values. Cancel and ok.
*#9998*427# : Trace Watchdog
*#9998*523# : Change LCD contrast - Only with version G60RL01W
*#9998*544# : Jig detect
*#9998*636# : Memory status
*#9998*746# : SIM File Size
*#9998*778# : SIM Service Table
*#9998*785# : RTK (Run Time Kernel) errors - if ok then phn is reset, info is put in memory error.
*#9998*786# : Run, Last UP, Last DOWN
*#9998*837# : Software Version
*#9998*842# : Test Vibrator - Flash the screenligth during 10 seconds and vibration activated.
*#9998*862# : Vocoder Reg - Normal, Earphone or carkit can be selected
*#9998*872# : Diag
*#9998*947# : Reset On Fatal Error
*#9998*999# : Last/Chk
*#9998*9266# : Yann debug screen (=Debug Screens?)
*#9998*9999# : Software version

If the up Codes doesn’t work, you should change *#9998* to *#0. i.e. *#9998*523# change to *#0523#. An other thing that will help is to remove your SIM card. *0001*s*f*t# : Changes serial parameters (s=?, f=0,1, t=0,1) (incomplete)
*0002*?# : unknown
*0003*?# : unknown

SP-unlock SGH-600 (and also SGH-Sgh-600)
*2767*3855# : Full EEPROM Reset ( THIS CODE REMOVES SP-LOCK!! )
But also changes IMEI to 447967-89-400044-0. (Doing this is illegal)

*2767*2878# : Custom EEEPROM Reset

*These codes have been tested with version FLD_2C6 G60SB03X of Samsung SGH-600

for d500

*#11[quote]11# S/W Version
*#1234# Firmware Version
*#2222# H/W Version
*#8999*8376263# All Versions Together

*#8999*8378# Test Menu
*#4777*8665# GPSR Tool
*#8999*523# LCD Brightness
*#8999*377# Error Menu
*#8999*327# EEP Menu
*#8999*3825523# Don’t Know.
*#8999*667# Debug Mode
*#92782# PhoneModel (Wap)
#*5737425# JAVA Mode
*#2255# Call List
*#232337# Bluetooth MAC Adress
*#5282837# Java Version

#*4773# Incremental Redundancy
#*7752# 8 PSK uplink capability bit#*7785# Reset wakeup & RTK timer cariables/variables
#*1200# ????
#*7200# Tone Generator Mute
#*3888# BLUETOOTH Test mode
#*#8999*324# ??
#*7828# Task screen
#*5111# ??
#*#8377466# S/W Version & H/W Version
#*2562# Restarts Phone
#*2565# No Blocking? General Defense.
#*3353# General Defense, Code Erased.
#*3837# Phone Hangs on White screen
#*3849# Restarts Phone
#*3851# Restarts Phone
#*3876# Restarts Phone
#*7222# Operation Typ: (Class C GSM)
#*7224# !!! ERROR !!!
#*7252# Operation Typ: (Class B GPRS)
#*7271# CMD: (Not Available)
#*7274# CMD: (Not Available)
#*7337# Restarts Phone (Resets Wap Settings)
#*2787# CRTP ON/OFF
#*2886# AutoAnswer ON/OFF
#*3737# L1 AFC
#*5133# L1 HO Data
#*7288# GPRS Detached/Attached
#*7287# GPRS Attached
#*7666# White Screen
#*7693# Sleep Deactivate/Activate
#*7284# L1 HO Data
#*2256# Calibration info? (For CMD set DEBUGAUTONOMY in cihard.opt)
#*2286# Databattery
#*2527# GPRS switching set to (Class 4, 8, 9, 10)
#*2679# Copycat feature Activa/Deactivate
#*3940# External looptest 9600 bps
#*4263# Handsfree mode Activate/Deactivate
#*4700# Please use function 2637
#*2558# Time ON
#*3370# Same as 4700
#*3941# External looptest 115200 bps
#*5176# L1 Sleep
#*7462# SIM Phase
#*7983# Voltage/Freq
#*7986# Voltage
#*8466# Old Time
#*2255# Call Failed
#*5187# L1C2G trace Activate/Deactivate
#*5376# DELETE ALL SMS!!!!
#*6837# Official Software Version: (0003000016000702)
#*7524# KCGPRS: (FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 07)
#*2337# Permanent Registration Beep
#*2474# Charging Duration
#*2834# Audio Path (Handsfree)
#*3270# DCS Support Activate/Deactivate
#*3282# Data Activate/Deactivate
#*3476# EGSM Activate/Deactivate
#*4760# GSM Activate/Deactivate
#*4864# White Screen
#*5171# L1P1
#*5172# L1P2
#*5173# L1P3
#*7326# Accessory
#*7683# Sleep variable
#*8465# Time in L1
#*2252# Current CAL
#*2836# AVDDSS Management Activate/Deactivate
#*3877# Dump of SPY trace
#*7728# RSAV
#*2677# Same as 4700
#*3797# Blinks 3D030300 in RED
#*3728# Time 2 Decod
#*3725# B4 last off
#*7372# Resetting the time to DPB variables
#*7732# Packet flow context bit Activate/Deactivate
#*6833# New uplink establishment Activate/Deactivate
#*3273# EGPRS multislot (Class 4, 8, 9, 10)
#*7722# RLC bitmap compression Activate/Deactivate
#*2351# Blinks 1347E201 in RED
#*4472# Hysteresis of serving cell: 3 dB
#*2775# Switch to 2 inner speaker
#*9270# Force WBS
#*7878# FirstStartup (0=NO, 1=YES)
#*3757# DSL UART speed set to (LOW, HIGH)
#*8726# Switches USBACM to Normal
#*8724# Switches USBACM to Generator mode
#*8727# Switches USBACM to Slink mode
#*8725# Switches USBACM to Loop-back mode
#*3838# Blinks 3D030300 in RED
#*2077# GPRS Switch
#*2027# GPRS Switch
#*0227# GPRS Switch
#*0277# GPRS Switch
#*22671# AMR REC START
#*22672# Stop AMR REC (File name: /a/multimedia/sounds/voice list/ENGMODE.amr)
#*22673# Pause REC
#*22674# Resume REC
#*22675# AMR Playback
#*22676# AMR Stop Play
#*22677# Pause Play
#*22678# Resume Play
#*77261# PCM Rec Req
#*77262# Stop PCM Rec
#*77263# PCM Playback
#*77264# PCM Stop Play
#*2872# CNT
*#8999*283# ???
#*22679# AMR Get Time
*288666# ???
*2886633# ???
*#8999*364# Watchdog




Field Test MENU > 0 > 000000 > Field Test Other Programming Secrets:

LGC-300 programming:

menu + 9 and enter SPC: “000000″ or may be other SPC typed by user. A-Key: press STO for some time while you can see special code enter zone. Type 2539** and enter A-key

LGC-330W programming:

menu + 4 + 0 and enter SPC: “000000″ or may be other SPC typed by user. A-Key: type 2539** and enter A-key

LGC-800W /500 programming:

menu + 0 and enter SPC: “000000″ or may be other SPC typed by user. A-Key: type 2539** and enter A-key

LGC-510 programming:

menu + 3 + 0 and enter SPC: “000000″ or may be other SPC typed by user. A-Key: type 2539** and enter A-key

LG1010, LG4NE1, TP2200, TP2100, Touchpoint, SB/DB, TP1100 and TP5200

Press ## Enter the OTKSL Scroll to SAVE and press OK Scroll to MIN and press OK Enter 10 digit MIN scroll to SAVE and press OK Scroll to SID and press OK (Skip on 4NE1 go to RESET PHONE and press OK to complete) Enter SID (4654) and scroll to SAVE and press OK Programming is complete


Enter ## and enter the OTKSL and press the left soft key under the word “Save” At the Service Program display select Mobile Phone # and press the OK in the center of the 4 way navigation key Enter the 10 digit MIN and press OK Scroll down to 4. Advanced and press OK Scroll to NMSI and press OK Enter the MSID and press OK Scroll down to 9. Amps Phone # and press OK Enter the MSID and press OK

Press the END key


Analog Models

Changing the Banner: #PROGRAM# or [Fcn] 0000000000000 (13 0’s)

Field Test: [Fcn] 0 0 * * TESTMODE [Sto]

Reset Timers: Follow the Field Test procedure above and then #32#

Alternative Programming Menu: #55#

(Not sure): # [SID code]#* SEND

Programming of various other models:

V60c Programming Mode:

74663 # [Menu] [Menu] (you will need the programming code)

Field Test: [Menu] 073887 * (you will need the security code — try 000000)

To deactivate field test: Power phone up, hit MENU and the left button (should bring up the menu). There’s a menu option for test-mode and at this point you can turn the menu off and return the phone to normal. Alternatively press menu and then the nearest button to the left (Phone book button) quickly and it will take you back to the main screen and your phone will look normal.

StarTac 7790

Field Test: [Fcn] 0 0 * * TESTMODE [Sto]

StarTac 7760, 7860

Field Test: [Fcn] 0 0 * * TESTMODE [Sto] Service Menu: [Fcn] 0 000000 000000 RCL

Complete system test (most models): (Phone OFF), Hold down any row of keys (1+2+3, 4+5+6, etc) and turn the phone ON

To access the diagnostic mode on the I30: #, *, MENU, JOYSTICK-RIGHT (Do these keystrokes fast)

To access the diagnostic mode on any of the older iDEN phones (pre-i1000): VOLUME DOWN, MENU, MENU, MENU, LEFT, MENU, MENU, LEFT (this is the reverse of the test menu routine)

To access the diagnostic mode on any of the new models (i1000+, i700+, i550+, etc): Hold down any three keys in a row across.

The unit will enter the test mode and can be stepped through the various functions with the keys and buttons. At the end of the test, power cycle the unit to return to normal function. This test will check various phone functions, including LCD display, speaker, earphone, microphone, LEDs, vibrator, backlight and all of the buttons and keys for the newer models


Older Models:

NAM Programming: 47*869#08#9

Test mode: *759#813580 OR 5809540*45680

Exit Test Mode: 02 A-Key: menu + 0,

code 25##

Samsung SPH-T100

MENU 820 > 810325

Samsung SCH-3500

MENU 820 > 295184

Programming of various other models:

Samsung A500

Enter ## and the 6 digitOTKSL

SERVICE MENU will appear and 1.Basic will be highlighted

Press OK Device will display NAM CDMA/ Phone Number

Enter 10 digit MIN Press OK (3 times) Display will return to Service Menu.

Press END. Programming is complete

Samsung N240 and N400

Enter ## and type in the 6 digit OTKSL

The display will show SVC MENU and 1. Phone Number

Press OK Enter the 10 digit MIN and press OK

The display will show NAM with Home SID on the second line (Note: SID is no longer used)

Press OK

The display will return to the SVC MENU

Press END to complete the programming

Samsung N300

Press ## followed by the OTKSL
SVC menu will be displayed
Press 1 for Phone #
Enter the 10 digit MIN and press OK
MIN that was entered will be displayed press OK
SVC Menu will display press 3 for NAM
Enter the 4 digit Home SID press OK
Press END and handset will power cycle

Samsung i300
Tap on the Phone Icon with stylus
Press #907*9#0 ENTER LOCK should appear on screen
SVC MENU will appear press 1
Enter 10 digit MIN and then press SAVE
Press SAVE again
Press 3 and then press SAVE 6 times
Enter the HOME SID and press SAVE once
Press END key twice

Samsung A400 and A460
Enter ## and OTKSL
Press 1 for Basic at MENU (1 of Phone # when using the MSL)
Enter 10 digit MIN and press OK
At 1.Basic Menu press the END key
Handset will power cycle

Samsung 3500, 8500, 6100, and N200
Press MENU
Press 6 0 (3500) 8 2 0 (8500/6100/N200)
Press 1 at SVC MENU Screen
Enter MIN and press OK
Press OK 4 times
Enter SID (4654) and press OK
Press END key
Programming is complete


Nokia CodesThese Nokia codes will work on most Nokia mobile phones, however we accept no responsibility of any kind for damage done to your phone whilst trying these Nokia secret codes.

Nokia code Code function

*3370# This Nokia code activates Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) - Your Nokia cell phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced my approx. 5%

#3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR)

*#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time

*#4720# With this Nokia code you can deactivate the Half Rate Codec

*#0000# Displays your phones software version, 1st Line : Software Version, 2nd Line : Software Release Date, 3rd Line : Compression Type

*#9999# Phones software version if *#0000# does not work *#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number)

#pw+1234567890+1# Provider Lock Status. (use the “*” button to obtain the “p,w” and “+” symbols)

#pw+1234567890+2# Network Lock Status. (use the “*” button to obtain the “p,w” and “+” symbols)

#pw+1234567890+3# Country Lock Status. (use the “*” button to obtain the “p,w” and “+” symbols)

#pw+1234567890+4# SIM Card Lock Status. (use the “*” button to obtain the “p,w” and “+” symbols)


*#06# -> Show IMEI

*#9999# -> Show Software version

*#0837# -> Show Software Version (instructions)

*#0001# -> Show Serial Parameters

*#9125# -> Activates the smiley when charging.

*#9998*228# -> Battery status (capacity, voltage, temperature)

*#9998*246# -> Program status

*#9998*289# -> Change Alarm Buzzer Frequency

*#9998*324# -> Debug screenslect values. Cancel and ok.

*#9998*427# -> Trace Watchdog

*#9998*523# -> Change LCD contrast - Only with version G60RL01W

*#9998*544# -> Jig detectService Table

*#9998*785# -> RTK (Run Time Kernel) errors - if ok then phn is reset, info is put inmemory error.

*#9998*786# -> Run, Last UP, Last DOWN

*#9998*837# -> Software Version

*#9998*842# -> Test Vibrator - Flash the screenligth during 10 seconds and vibrationactivated.

*#9998*862# -> Vocoder Reg - Normal, Earphone or carkit can be selected

*#9998*872# -> Diag

*#9998*947# -> Reset On Fatal Error

*#9998*999# -> Last/Chk

*#9998*9266# -> Yann debug screen (=Debug Screens?)

*#9998*9999# -> Software version

*0001*s*f*t# -> Changes serial parameters (s=?, f=0,1, t=0,1) (incomplete)

*0002*?# -> unknown

*0003*?# -> unknown SP-unlock SGH-600 and SGH 2100

*2767*3855# -> Full EEPROM Reset ( THIS CODE REMOVES SP-LOCK!! ) But also changes IMEI to 447967-89-400044-0

*2767*2878# -> Custom EEEPROM Reset These codes has been tested with version FLD_2C6 G60SB03X of Samsung SGH-600 type 8889 instead of 9998.



IMEI number: * # 0 6#
Net Monitor ON: * * * 1 1 3 * 1 * [OK]
Net Monitor OFF: * * * 1 1 3 * 1 * [OK]
* - press this until box shown up

To activate RBS:

(pause means the * key held in until box appears)

[pause] [pause] [pause] 1 1 3 [pause] 1 [pause] [ok]

You now have to press the [MENU] and scroll to the ‘Eng Field Options’ function with the keys, and enable it.

To de-activate RBS,

[pause] [pause] [pause] 1 1 3 [pause] 0 [pause] [ok]

This only works with some versions of software. Please report what works and doesn’t for you.

Reported working, by country:

d460: IT
6200 Flare: UK (Orange), AU
7500: IT (model: F16 HW: 5.2 SW: 2.1)
8200: ES, AU, NL, BE
8400: IT, NL
8700: AU, IT, SG, DE, ES, ZA
Uses of RBS:

Distance From Base Station - Place a call, when it is answered, press [MENU] until ‘Eng Field Option’ is displayed, press [OK], select ‘Active Cell’, press [OK], press [MENU] until ‘Time Adv xxx’ appears, where xxx is a number. Multiply this number by 550, and the result is the distance from the RBS (Radio Base Station), in meters.

Signal Quality - press [MENU] until ‘Eng Field Option’ is displayed, press [OK], select ‘Active Cell’, press [OK], press [MENU] until ‘C1′ appears. This is the signal quality. If it becomes negative for longer than 5 seconds, a new cell is selected.


General Secrets

IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity): *#06#

Firmware Version: >*<<*<* Programming Checks: >*<<*<*> or >*<<*<*>

Accessing the phone without a SIM card: **04*0000*0000*0000# then on ‘Wrong Pin’ No

Reset English Menu: *#0000#

300, 600, 700 Series

Programming Menu (Short): 987 + >

Programming Menu (Long): 923885 + >

Field Test: 904090 + > (to exit 904090 + >)

Phone Test: 904059 + > (to exit 3 + <) Phone Reset: 904060 + >

CDMA Mode: 904093 + menu

Analog Mode: 904095 + menu DM mode 904959 + menu


Philips GENIE

To view IMEI number *#06#

*#2254*# is the statusregister: C, BS, RR, MMI, CREAT.

*#2255*# will activate and deactivate the “DEBUG CALL”-Mode

*#2558*# will display the time in days,hours and minutes you are connected to the GSM network

To force a reconnection to the network, type : *#2562*#

To view and modify the Security Code of the phone, type: *#7489*#

To view some info about your SIM card like the phase level, the name, type: *#7378*#

To obtain information on SIM lock, Init and Flags, press: *#3377*#

To activate or deactivate Sleep Mode: *#7693*#

To get info about Sleep Mode: *#8463*#

Philips FIZZ
IMEI: *#06#

Lock Code: *#1234#

Software Version
To find software version, enter *#8377*#

The output will look something like:

Version : 0916 - EEPROM : 00000000-00 - TDA : 2445 - KISS : 0502 SIM-LCK

..or extended software version *#5644*#


Version : 09162205 - EEPROM : 00000000-00 - TDA : 2445 - KISS : 0502 SIM-LCK



* # 0 6 # : IMEI number
* # 0 6 # : Software version
0 0 0 0 0 0 * : Net Monitor


Panasonic G500

To view IMEI number *#06#



1 - Ground
2 - TX_Audio
3 - Audio_Ground
4 - HF_ON (L=ON) -> L=H/F ON
5 - AOP_Sense <- Data Adaptor Select 6 - Serial_Up <- UART up (9600,33.8kbps) 7 - Serial_Down -> UART down
8 - External_Power <- POWER FOR CHARGING 9 - Ground 10 - RX_Audio 11 - Radio_Mute -> L=MUTE
12 - HF_Sense <- L=H/F MODE 13 - Reserved L=FLASH WRITE ENABLE 14 - Ignition <- H=ON 15 - Logic_Power -> H=HANDSET ON
16 - PAON -> Power Amplifier Control Signal.

************************************************** **
Nokia 3310 Secret codes
Jul, 08 2003 - 06:20
contributed by: mef
*#06# To find IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)

*#7780# Restores Factory Settings..(Memory, language, counters not included)

*#3110# For checking the phone’s software (SW) - called firmware revision information.

*#746025625# [*#sim0clock#] To check if the Sim-Clock can be Stopped (Sim-clock-stop is a kind of standby mode which will save battery time)

*#92702689# [*#war0anty#] Phone asks ‘warranty code:’

6232 (OK) Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture

9268 (OK) Displays Serial Number

7332 (OK) Displays the date of the last repairment - if found

7832 (OK) Displays (if found) the date where the phone was purchased

37832 (OK) Set the Purchasing Date MMYY (This date can be set only once!)

87267 (OK) Transfers ALL phone numbers, Logo’s, and ringtones from other gsm phones

Nokia 101 cell phone lockcode
Jul, 10 2000 - 02:35
Nokia 101 cell phones set up by Bell Mobility in Toronto can have their lock code circumvented by the following method:

Type: * 3001 # 12345 [STO] 00
Wait for: NOT DONE
Type: [RCL] 01

Clear old lock code (the last four digits) and enter a new lock code. Be very careful not to delete other characters.

Type: [STO] 01 [STO]
Turn power off.

Nokia 9000/9000i
Nov, 25 2000 - 22:41
To view IMEI number *#06#
To view Software Version enter *#8110# Latest Version is under Phone Info.
To view Week and Year of manufacture enter *#3283#


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